Hi! How are you guys doing? This is a line that I’ve never used to introduce my blog posts before. But in times like these I am truly wondering how you all are doing. I know there are a few people from all over the world reading my posts, so I thought I’d check in with you all. It feels weird to be posting a recipe these days, so I do not want to be insensitive to the worries of the world right now.
To be honest, I am not ok. Physically I am, but mentally I’ve seen better days. I’m embarrassed to say that my routines were mostly not affected by the Corona crisis. I work from home and most days I only leave our apartment to go for a run, to yoga or to the grocery store. However, I am so deeply concerned about the entire human population and about the uncertainty that we’re all facing right now. The fate of so many local shops, cafés or restaurants is unknown, lots of my friends are worried about losing their jobs and my parents are worried about their family-run business. Reading about people screaming at grocery store employees makes me angry, hearing about women delivering their babies without their partners makes me sad. My thoughts go out to everyone, but especially my readers from Italy. How has the world changed in just a few weeks? (Please note that I am not trying to be insensitive by not mentioning every country affected or every devastating consequence of the outbreak).
To brighten your day a little bit, I am sharing a much-requested recipe today: how to make ginger and turmeric shots without a juicer. Obviously these shots alone won’t strengthen our immune system. And it’s a given that these ginger and turmeric shots are no cure to the Corona virus. It goes without saying, but I’ve read about so many so-called incredible miracle cures against this virus, that I am going to spell it out again: Ginger and turmeric shots are not effective against the COVID-19. What they can do, however, is brighten your day and mood. Drinking them will most definitely involve some funny grimaces; so do drink them with a person you’re currently stuck in your apartment or house with. You’ll have a blast, I promise.
All you need to make these shots is a grater and a citrus press. A specific ginger grater works best, you can get these at Asian supermarkets or of course online. Of course having a blender helps, but it’s not a necessary appliance. Before I’ll give you the recipe, let’s have a look at the nutritional value of these beauties.
Heavenly for body and soul, because …
… ginger and turmeric both have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Turmeric has been used in the Ayurvedic medicine to prevent and treat inflammation. The yellow compound curcumin has antioxidative properties and has been shown to reduce inflammation in several studies.
- Ginger has not been studied by Western medicine in depth, but that does not mean that it is not effective. It is commonly accepted that ginger helps with motion sickness as well as with mild gastro-intestinal discomforts. In the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) ginger is used to treat all kinds of illnesses such as chronic coughs, fever, pain of all sorts, rheumatic diseases, nausea or high blood pressure. So I guess it is safe to say: a little bit of ginger and turmeric never hurts.

How to make ginger and turmeric shots without a juicer
- Total Time: 5 minutes
- Yield: 5 Shots 1x
- 20 g of fresh organic ginger
- 20 g of fresh organic turmeric
- the juice of 3 lemons
- the juice of 2 oranges
- a pinch of black pepper
Without any large kitchen appliances:
- Grate the ginger and turmeric. Juice the lemons and oranges. Mix everything in a glass bottle.
- Now there are two options.
Option 1: If you do not mind drinking the grated ginger and turmeric, you’re done now. Congratulations. Simply fill about a shot glass with the ginger-turmeric-drink and drink every day.
Option 2: If you do not like to drink grated ginger and turmeric, let the shots soak in the fridge for about 6 hours. Then strain the liquid by pouring it through a regular sieve. Store the shots in the sealable glass bottle in the fridge for up to 5 days.
With a blender:
- Simply blend all ingredients together. Store the shots in a glass bottle for up to 5 days.
- I do not peel my ginger or turmeric as most nutrients lie right under the peel. Therefore I always buy organic ginger and turmeric and thoroughly wash them before use.
- Turmeric stains EVERYTHING except for your teeth. Be sure to wear rubber gloves and protect your kitchen countertops from staining. This is very important. Do not blame me for stained countertops.
- Yes, your grater and blender might also become stained from the fresh turmeric. If you cannot bare the thought, do not make this recipe. There is a trick that works to remove turmeric stains however. Simply place your appliances or towels into direct sunlight. This will make them (to the most part) magically disappear.
- Prep Time: 5
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